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Winter 2023 Newsletter: Zen & Boxing with World Champion Michele Aboro

Zen & Boxing intensive training participants

Seven time world champion boxer and kickboxer Michele Aboro traveled with her family from Shanghai, China to join Chozen-ji students for three weeks of Zen training in October. She originally trained in zazen at the Shanghai Dojo led by Michael Kangen in the 2010s.

Michele’s stay at Chozen-ji included a documentary film screening and five days of intensive boxing training for serious Zen students, comprised of three sittings of zazen and five hours of boxing each day. Through the event and training, students learned how to approach boxing not as a means of developing technical boxing skill, but as a Way to address deep habits and push themselves to realize their True Self.

Following the intensive training, Michele flew to Las Vegas for her induction into the International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame. She is planning to come back for more intensive training next summer.

Cristina Moon